aamaxx jobs
hiring criteria

Examine the Job description

Aamaxx jobs ensure that the requirements and responsibilities of the position are precisely reflected in the job description.

Strategy for Recruitment

Aamaxx Jobs ascertain the appropriate channels of recruitment to be employed, such as job listings, social media platforms, job portals and referrals.

setting up an ATS

Setting up an Application tracking system (ATS) 

Aamaxx Jobs verify that the ATS is appropriately configured to efficiently receive and manage applications.

Identification of the Interview Panel

Aamaxx Jobs make sure at  each phase of the interview procedure, interviewers are chosen and assigned responsibilities.
Identification of the Interview Panel
Questions for an interview

Questions for an interview

Aamaxx Jobs create a series of methodical interview inquiries that are specifically designed to evaluate the competencies and merits of the applicants.

Following the Law

Aamaxx Jobs maintain compliance with all applicable labour laws and regulations in all employing practices.
Following the Law
Screening of candidates

Screening of candidates

Aamaxx Jobs ensures to determine competent candidates by examining applications  and CV’s.

Assessments before Hiring

Aamaxx Jobs ascertain whether the position requires abilities evaluations or personality assessments. 
Assessments before Hiring
How to Set Up an Interview

How to Set Up an Interview

Aamaxx Jobs coordinate to setup and operate all technological components including interview chambers and virtual meeting links.

Presenting Offer

Aamaxx Jobs evaluate the compensation package and other perks to be presented to a successful candidate.
Presenting Offer
Planning for Onboarding

Planning for Onboarding

Aamaxx Jobs facilitate all the required information to the candidate and company for new employee’s smooth joining process.
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